Lonesome Workshops are Londons leading and most affordable acting workshops. We offer a safe space for creatives to explore, develop and progress.

Every Monday, Thursday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday likeminded creatives are guided through a range of physical, vocal and emotional exercises to enhance your ability to work as a professional in the industry. The work is text based, exploring a heightened use of skills in a constructive environment.

We aim to enhance a broad range of industry-specific skill, by making sure every single person who attends gets to participate, not from the side lines, but physically on their feet. Making you so at ease that you can transfer these skills in auditions, rehch has often lead to representation and professional bookings.

Our workshops are lead by professionals, attended by professionals, for professionals.


We back and support artists. ALWAYS.

Niall Phillips, Director. Niall is a classically trained actor, award winning theatre director and a qualified theatre practitioner. Niall has worked in New York City, Europe, Turkey, Africa and all over the U.K. at some of the best accredited drama schools, including East 15, Arts Ed, RADA, Italia Conti, Royal Birmingham Conservatoire and IDSA. Niall is also Head Coach at online drama school IAMPRO.

His work in theatre includes: BAAL, (East 15), Women of Troy (RBC / Crescent Theatre), Irn Pru (Arcola Theatre), MEDEA (Midlands Arts Centre), TOMORROW MAY BE MY LAST (Various venues), I KNOW MY HUSBAND LOVES ME, (The Union Theatre), FAUX, (Brighton Fringe Festival – WINNER of the Bobby Award for Best Production), HIDDEN, (Wandsworth Arts Festival), MINITARISTS, (Vaults Festival), TURKEY (Off West End nominated for Best Director 2018), IN/OUT (A FEELING), (Off West End nominated for Best New Production),ROMEO & JULIET (Sardinia Arts Festival), WAITING FOR CHARLIE, (The Hope Theatre), OLYMPILADS, HE(ART), Theatre N16, I’MTHINKING OF LEAVING FACEBOOK, THE UNMARRIED,(Edinburgh Fringe Festival), FACE TO FACE, LETTERS FROM EVERYONE, (Offi West End Nominated for Best New play in 2017), TOM &JERRY, (Drayton Arms Theatre), LOVE vs HATE, ON A SPREE, (Tristan Bates Theatre), FUGEE (Omnibus Arts Centre).

Niall has worked on several films productions. His debut film, HOME, 2012, dealt with mental health in young males and featured Perry Benson and Mike Parr. 

This was followed up by his second short film WORK, 2013. Looking at male anxiety issues and depression. This starred Natalie Jacobs. 

Niall has worked extensively in the beautiful and creative world of youththeatre; Including, Halfmoon Theatre, Actors Alive, Young Actors Theatre, Brighter Day Theatre.



IN THE LAND OF EAGLES, a brand new one woman piece to be performed in late summer. Produced by LONESOME

Are you ready to take your career to the next level?

Are you prepared to push yourself to get the best out of yourself?

Are you up for working with some of the most exciting professionals in the country?

Are you ready to take the next step…

Any questions do not hesitate to ask.

Email - info@lonesomeworkshops.com

Instagram - @lonesome_workshops

Twitter - @lonesomeworks

We run every Thursday (7pm - 10pm), Friday (12-3) and Saturday (11am - 2pm) near Liverpool Street & Dalston Kingsland

What does Lonesome teach?

We provide exceptional part-time training for actors of all abilities, ranging from recent graduates to working professionals.

We always start with fun warm up exercises. Then we focus on that sessions set text. We get the scene up on its feet and bring it to life. These sessions are active and physical. The best way to learn is to do it. We support each other. We tell stories. And when we fail, we pick each other back up. If you Gert it wrong - NOBODY CARES.

Is it full-time or part-time?

Currently the course is part time. The sessions run on Thursday,12-3, Thursday, 7-10, Friday 12-3 and Saturday 11-2. But, students regularly attend to keep their skill set on point.

Do LONESOME offer screen workshops??

Yes. Yes we do. Every Thursday, 12-3.

Which part do I learn??

You decide. Whichever feels best in YOUR body. Ignore, gender, age, YOU choose. For special guest workshops - Please LEARN BOTH PARTS.

Does the Lonesome offer different course levels?

YES. Yes it does, Our ‘special guest’ sessions will now be ADVANCED CLASSES.  To book on to these classes you will need one of the following:  To be a Drama School graduate Two professional credits  Attended Lonesome Workshops standard classes and be invited by Niall to the advanced classes  These changes are to ensure we can support artists at every stage of their training.  

Do I need previous acting experience to attend?

Applicants do require previous acting experience to attend. We want to nurture the talent and skill set you already have, giving you the edge on other actors when it comes to performing in the industry. There is no audition process. Just turn up and be willing.

Is there a minimum/ maximum age limit?

The minimum entry age for Lonesome workshops is 16. There is no upper age limit. No judgment here.

Do I have to prepare anything beforehand?

Scripts for each workshop are available via the Google Drive link which are sent with the confirmation email after purchasing a ticket. Which MUST be learnt.

What should I wear?

Loose comfortable clothing which enables free movements . Avoid wearing skirts and should avoid low cut tops. All jewellery and accessories must be removed before the session.

What are the class sizes?

Class sizes vary from 6-16 students depending on the academic year. We want you to feel valued. you must get up and act. If we have too many we can’t see you all. 16 max. But we make sure every single actor gets up on their feet and performs.